Company Rights, Mergers & Acquisitions
AfrikaBlue LawFirm has a practice that covers all corporate operations in the life of companies, including compagnies that are listed on the stock exchange. We assist our clients from the conception of their business creation project (incorporation and registration of companies), during their social life (legal secretariat including the organization of board meetings and general meetings, the approval of accounts, the appointment and dismissal of directors) as well as for all equity transactions (capital increase and reduction), restructuring.
The Firm has strong expertise in mergers and acquisitions or all other operations of the same type (equity investments, asset acquisitions, due diligence, joint venture contract and shareholders’ agreements, financing structures) and advises in the event of litigation relating to these operations (liability guarantee, conflicts between shareholders, etc.) both in Congo and in OHADA and international jurisdictions. The firm also has expertise in criminal business law and business ethics.
AfrikaBlue lawyers intervene alongside the main economic actors concerned by the difficulties of a company (creditors, shareholders, financial institutions, managers) in the treatment and implementation of insolvency proceedings (safeguard procedure, receivership or judicial liquidation).